BEARING NEEDLE Type | 330004-02

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POS. NR. Ant. pr. PRODUKT-NUMMER PRODUKT-BESKRIVELSE Type Annen info Markeder PRODUKT-STATUS Siste prod.dato Diagram
9 2 2674-17 IMPACT WRENCH 1 QS Discontinued go to diagram
9 2 2674-28 IMPACT WRENCH (ITALY) 1 QS Discontinued go to diagram
10 2 2674-31 IMPACT WRENCH (FRANCE) 1 QS Discontinued go to diagram
10 2 2674-47 IMPACT WRENCH (U.K.) 1 QS Discontinued go to diagram
55 1 5043-28 ROTARY HAMMER (P8038) 5 QS Discontinued go to diagram
141 1 7696 PLANER 6 XJ Discontinued 01/06/2002 go to diagram
41 1 7696 PLANER 1 XJ Discontinued 04/01/1995 go to diagram
41 1 7696 PLANER 3 XJ Discontinued 04/01/1995 go to diagram
41 1 7696 PLANER 4 XJ Discontinued 07/01/2000 go to diagram
41 1 7696-04 PLANER 1 XJ Discontinued 02/01/1994 go to diagram
619 1 BCASH81B MULTITOOL 1 XJ Discontinued 31/12/2021 go to diagram
408 1 BCASK61D MULTITOOL 1 QW Discontinued 30/09/2018 go to diagram
8 1 BCASK61D MULTITOOL 2 QW Discontinued 27/08/2020 go to diagram
8 1 BCASK815D MULTITOOL 1 QW Discontinued 27/08/2020 go to diagram
619 1 BCASK815D MULTITOOL 1 QW Discontinued 27/08/2020 go to diagram
8 1 BCASK815D MULTITOOL 1 QS Discontinued 31/12/2019 go to diagram
619 1 BCASK815D MULTITOOL 1 QS Discontinued 31/12/2019 go to diagram
619 1 BCASK81D MULTITOOL 2 QW Discontinued 27/08/2020 go to diagram
408 1 BCASK81D MULTITOOL 1 QW Discontinued 30/09/2018 go to diagram
619 1 BCASK81D MULTITOOL 1 QW Discontinued 30/09/2018 go to diagram

*Prisene som vises er Stanley Black & Deckers veiledende priser eks mva og frakt. Det enkelte serviceverksted eller våre forhandler kan ha priser som avviker fra de viste prisene. Prisene og betingelser kan endres uten foregående varsel.