SKRUTKA Type | 812170

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Č. položky Množstvo na Číslo produktu Popis produktu Typ Iné informácie Trhy Stav produktu Posledný dátum výroby Diagram
10 5 BD501 PRÍKLEPOVÁ VŔTAČKA 1 DE Discontinued 04/01/1997 go to diagram
10 5 BD501 PRÍKLEPOVÁ VŔTAČKA 1 CH Discontinued 04/01/1997 go to diagram
10 5 BD502 VŔTAČKA 1 CH Discontinued 04/01/1997 go to diagram
10 5 BD502 VŔTAČKA 1 DE Discontinued 04/01/1997 go to diagram
8 5 BD504 VŔTAČKA 1 CH Discontinued 04/01/1997 go to diagram
8 5 BD504 VŔTAČKA 1 DE Discontinued 04/01/1997 go to diagram
18 5 BD551 VŔTAČKA H2B DE Discontinued 04/01/1991 go to diagram
18 5 BD552 VŔTAČKA H1E CH Discontinued 04/01/1991 go to diagram
18 5 BD552 VŔTAČKA H1E DE Discontinued 04/01/1991 go to diagram
19 5 BD554 PRÍKLEPOVÁ VŔTAČKA H1E CH Discontinued 04/01/1991 go to diagram
19 5 BD554 PRÍKLEPOVÁ VŔTAČKA H1E DE Discontinued 04/01/1991 go to diagram
19 5 BD555 PRÍKLEPOVÁ VŔTAČKA 1 DE Discontinued 04/01/1991 go to diagram
20 7 CH330 SK-CORDLESS HEDGETRIMMER 1 DE Discontinued 12/01/1994 go to diagram
20 7 CH330 SK-CORDLESS HEDGETRIMMER 1 CH Discontinued 12/01/1994 go to diagram
8 6 GR200 ROTAČNÁ KOSAČKA 1 CH Discontinued 12/01/1992 go to diagram
8 6 GR200C ROTAČNÁ KOSAČKA 1 CH Discontinued 04/01/1991 go to diagram
20 7 GT900 NOŽNICE NA ŽIVÉ PLOTY 1 CH Discontinued 12/01/1994 go to diagram
20 7 GT900 NOŽNICE NA ŽIVÉ PLOTY 1 DE Discontinued 12/01/1994 go to diagram
10 5 H501 PRÍKLEPOVÁ VŔTAČKA 1 CH Discontinued 04/01/1991 go to diagram
10 5 H501 PRÍKLEPOVÁ VŔTAČKA 1 DE Discontinued 04/01/1991 go to diagram