S/E CHARGEUR Type | N494099

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Repere Qte Article Designation Type Autre info Pays Statut Dernière date de fab. Diagram
17 1 BCD700S MARTEAU PERFORATEUR H1 BCD700S2K GB Live go to diagram
12 1 BCHV001C1 DUST BUSTER 2 GB Live go to diagram
800 1 BDASB18 MARTEAU PERFORATEUR H1 GB Live go to diagram
38 1 BDCCS18 SCIE CIRCULAIRE 2 BDCCS18C1 GB Live go to diagram
7 1 BDCD12 PERCEUSE H1 GB Live go to diagram
7 1 BDCD18 PERCEUSE H1 BDCD18K GB Discontinued 31/12/2018 go to diagram
7 1 BDCDC18 PERCEUSE/VISSEUSE H1 BDCDC18K + KB +KST GB Discontinued 01/05/2022 go to diagram
7 1 BDCDD12 PERCEUSE/VISSEUSE H1 GB Live go to diagram
8 1 BDCDD18 PERCEUSE/VISSEUSE H1 BDCDD182A GB Discontinued 15/11/2015 go to diagram
8 1 BDCDD186 PERCEUSE/VISSEUSE H1 BDCDD186K+KB GB Discontinued 10/12/2016 go to diagram
7 1 BDCHD18 MARTEAU PERFORATEUR H1 BDCHD18K + KB + KB2 GB Discontinued go to diagram
800 1 BDCIM18 VISSEUSE A CHOCS H1 BDCIM18C1 GB Live go to diagram
43 1 BDCJS18 SCIE SAUTEUSE H1 BDCJS18C13 GB Live go to diagram
35 1 BDCR18 SCIE ALTERNATIVE H1 BDCR18C1 GB Live go to diagram
7 1 BDH18 MARTEAU PERFORATEUR H1 BDH182A GB Discontinued 31/12/2018 go to diagram
43 1 BHFEA18D ASPIRATEUR A BRAS H1 BHFEA18D1 GB Live go to diagram
43 1 BHFEA18D1 ASPIRATEUR A BRAS 2 GB Live go to diagram
54 1 BHFEB520D1 ASPIRATEUR A BRAS 1 GB Live go to diagram
42 1 BHFEV182C ASPIRATEUR A BRAS H1 BHFEV182C GB Live go to diagram
42 1 BHFEV182CP ASPIRATEUR A BRAS H1 GB Live go to diagram