CABLE SA Type | 805032-07
General Details
Status | Active (While Stocks Last) |
Substitute Part Number | |
Variant Description | n/a |
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Where Part is Used
Item No. | Qty Per | Product Number | Product Description | Type | Other Info | Markets | Product Status | Last Date of Manuf. | Diagram |
51 | 1 | GX530 | HOVER MOWER | 8 | GB WITH CUT OUT | XA | Discontinued | 12/05/2001 | |
51 | 1 | GX530 | HOVER MOWER | 8 | GB WITH CUT OUT | DE | Discontinued | 12/05/2001 | |
51 | 1 | GX530 | HOVER MOWER | 1 | GB WITH CUT OUT | DE | Discontinued | 10/01/1993 | |
51 | 1 | GX530 | HOVER MOWER | 1 | GB WITH CUT OUT | CH | Discontinued | 10/01/1993 | |
51 | 1 | GX530 | HOVER MOWER | 8 | GB WITH CUT OUT | CH | Discontinued | 12/05/2001 | |