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Repere Qte Article Designation Type Autre info Pays Statut Dernière date de fab. Diagram
37 1 BD150RK MARTEAU PERFORATEUR 1 TYPES H1/H1E NL Discontinued 02/01/1995 go to diagram
37 1 BD150RK MARTEAU PERFORATEUR 1 TYPES H1/H1E BE Discontinued 02/01/1995 go to diagram
33 1 BD152 MARTEAU PERFORATEUR 1 SG--D150 NL Discontinued 04/01/1991 go to diagram
33 1 BD152 MARTEAU PERFORATEUR 1 SG 220V NL Discontinued 04/01/1991 go to diagram
33 1 BD152 MARTEAU PERFORATEUR 1 SG--D150 BE Discontinued 04/01/1991 go to diagram
33 1 BD152 MARTEAU PERFORATEUR 1 SG 220V BE Discontinued 04/01/1991 go to diagram
37 1 BD153R PERCEUSE 1 PART NOT DRAWN NL Discontinued 05/01/1992 go to diagram
37 1 BD153R PERCEUSE 1 PART NOT DRAWN BE Discontinued 05/01/1992 go to diagram
37 1 BD154R MARTEAU PERFORATEUR 1 TYPES H1/H1E BE Discontinued 04/01/1991 go to diagram
37 1 BD154R MARTEAU PERFORATEUR 1 TYPES H1/H1E NL Discontinued 04/01/1991 go to diagram
38 1 BD155RT MARTEAU PERFORATEUR 1 BD155RT NL Discontinued 04/01/1991 go to diagram
38 1 BD155RT MARTEAU PERFORATEUR 1 BD155RT BE Discontinued 04/01/1991 go to diagram
38 1 BD156 FORET NUMERIQUE 1 TYPE H1E BE Discontinued 04/01/1993 go to diagram
38 1 BD156 FORET NUMERIQUE 1 TYPE H1E NL Discontinued 04/01/1993 go to diagram
31 1 BD161 PERCEUSE 1 BE Discontinued 03/01/1994 go to diagram
31 1 BD161 PERCEUSE 1 NL Discontinued 03/01/1994 go to diagram
31 1 BD162 PERCEUSE 1 BE Discontinued 04/01/1991 go to diagram
31 1 BD162 PERCEUSE 1 NL Discontinued 04/01/1991 go to diagram
31 1 BD162CS PERCEUSE 1 NL Discontinued 03/01/1994 go to diagram
31 1 BD162CS PERCEUSE 1 BE Discontinued 03/01/1994 go to diagram

* Toutes les prix sont des prix à titre indicatif hors tva en frais de transport (Nous comptons des frais de transport de 7,50€ hors tva uniquement pour les commandes inférieure à 50€ hors tva). Nous nous réservons le droit de modifier les prix et conditions sans préavis.